Vice Chancellor Mahindra University
“Medury is an acclaimed academician and a seasoned professional with more than three decades of rich academic and administrative experience.Before joining Mahindra Group, Dr Yajulu Medury was the Vic e – C h a n c ello r o f B e n n e t t Universit y at G r eat e r N oid a , U P A t B e n n e t t U niv e r sit y , D r M e d u ry de veloped academic partnerships with Georgia Tech for Engineering, Johnson Business Cornell University for Management, Cornell Law School for Law, Babson C olle g e USA fo r E n t r e p r e n e urs hip a n d o t h ers. In a d ditio n , b e t w e e n 2 0 0 1 a n d 2 0 0 3 , D r M e d u ry successfully established 3 Universities (2 States and 1 Deemed). Before that, Dr Medury was the ViceChancellor of Jaypee University of IT, Himachal Pradesh and Founding Vice-Chancellor of VIT University, Vellore. Immediately before that, he was the Chairman & Managing Director of Educational C o n s ult a n t s o f In dia Limit e d , a P u blic S e c t o r U n d e r t a kin g o f t h e G o v e r n m e n t o f In dia. His contributions to the field of academics ha ve been wid ely a c k n o wle d g e d. H e h a s m o r e t h a n 40 publications to his credit which ha ve been extensively circulated in national and international journals and con ferences.Dr Medury has a B. Tech Honours degree fr o m IIT , K h a r a g p u r ; M S a n d P h.D. in E n gin e e ring Mechanics from Wisconsin, Madison, USA. ”