Padma Bhushan & Eminent Scientist
“Souvik Bhattacharyya graduated from J a d a v p u r University, Kolkata with a Bachelor’s degree (1981), MS (1985) from University of Cincinnati, US A and PhD from Texas A&M University (1991), US A – all in Mechanical Engineering specializing in thermal sciences. After a post-doctoral research stint at Texas A &M, he joined the faculty of IIT Kharagpur in 1991 where he was Dean (Students’ Affair s) during 2009-2012 and has been a Professor of Me chemical Engineering since 2003, Profess or ( H A G ) sin c e 2 0 0 9.
He also held faculty position at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand during 1998 – 2000. He served as the Vic e – Chancellor of Jadavpur University, Kolkata d u ring August 2012–October 2013 and as Deputy Director of IIT Kharagpur during 2013-2016. Cur rently. he is the Vice-Chancellor of BITS Pilani. Prof Bhattacharyya is a Member of the Research Council of CSIR-CGCRI, the General Council & Executive Board of ISM, Dhanbad and the Civil & Mechanical Engineering Project Advisory Committee (P A C) of SERB, DST. Dr Bhattacharyya has been on the Editorial Boards of International Journal of Power and Energy Systems and Journal of Nano Energy and Power Research. He is an Associate Editor of the international journal Alternative Energy and was on the Editorial Board of Energy Con version and Management during 2007 -2013. He was a member of the Committee on Fast track scheme for young scientists, DS T during 2 0 0 7 – 2 0 1 2.
His research interests include heat transfer enhancement, thermo dynamic optimization, energy engineering, natural refrigerant based trans critical heating – cooling systems , and natural circulation loops.
A recipient of ASHRAE Best Paper Award , Dr Bhattacharyya has published about 220 research articles in indexed international journals and conference proceeding sandisaco – auth or of the celebrated Heat Transfer text with J P Holman.
He is a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), National Academy of Science, India (NASI) and WB Academy of Science & Technology. He is known as an adored teacher among the students of IIT Kharagpur and was the first recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award of Indian National Academy of Engineering in its inaugural year in 2013. ”