Sangam University, Rajasthan
“Prof Karunesh Saxena, is presently President, Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan. He was Ex Director FMS, IQAC, & CDC , ML Sukhadia University Udaipur Rajasthan India. He has more than 35 years of Corporate and Academic experience. He has served Dr. H. S. Gour University Sagar(M.P.), Vikram University Ujjain (M.P.), Jammu University, Jammu, IGNOU New Delhi. He is Chair Professor ICCR, (a Govt of India institute), New Delhi . Under this assignment, he completed one term as Chair professor in Papua New Guinea. He has created nearly 200 educational films for UGC. At present a 4 credits (40 modules) MOOC program on Business St atistics , developed by him i s successfully running on SWAYAM Platform. He is an expert resource person for COLCEMCA, New Delhi, NAAC, UGC, AICTE etc. He has so far guided 43 Research scholars for their PhD work. 8 more are pursuing their Research work under his supervision. He has contributed nearly 150 Research papers. Recently he was nominated by UGC, New Delhi to the high power committee for implementation of National Education Policy NEP2020.