Higher Education Foundation, USA
Dr. Ashok Joshi returned to US A in year 1984 and took a job of an engineer in Ceramatec Inc. He progressed rapidly and in year 1996 he was CEO of the company. As a CEO, he realized that everything was not right in the company. The company faced too many problems a n d o f t e n la n d e d in t o t r o u bles. T h e re were too many lay-offs and fartoo many appointments. Dr. Ashok found that under the control ofthe then Board of Directors, the company can never function profitably. He advised the Board that they should mend their ways or sell off the c o m p a n y. T h o u g h D r. A s h o k w as confident that he can turn around the company, the board was not. The Board told Dr. Ashok that they want to sell off t h e c o m p a n y. D r. A s h o k w a s given a s sig n m e n t o f fi n din g a rig h t b u y e r. U n fortunately there was none. Being very confident of what he can do, Dr. Ashok found an in vestor who had full faith in Dr. A s h o k ’ s c a p a bilit y. In y e a r 1 9 9 9 , D r. A s h o k him s elf b e c a m e o w n e r o f Ceramatec Inc. Under Dr. Ashok Joshi’s leadership, Ceramatec Inc. grew 300% over a short time span of 8 years. Ceramatec Inc. was acquired by CoorsTek, the largest technical ceramics company in the world